Dedicated to making a difference in the lives of Latin women LWI-home2 We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of Latin women

Hence, to theorize about gender entails a look at the heirlooms of colonialism that built the possibilities of the modern world through the categorization of people into racialized, gendered humanity. This critique problematizes any idea of shared gender in womanhood because it fails to account for the racial and class differences that cut across the formations of identities in the Americas. On the other hand, the decreasing mortality rates observed in most LAC countries can be related to the development and implementation of public health programs, and community interventions against cervical cancer during the last years . Effective detection of early-stage cervical cancer, followed by optimal treatment, could also explain the reduction in cervical cancer mortality.

We considered cervical cancer mortality in young women only because of the lack of research in the LAC region, which has focused on cervical cancer mortality in general. In addition, another reason was due to the increase in mortality among young women reported in a number of studies . Because HPV infection is the most important risk factor for cervical cancer, younger women are likely to have experienced higher rates of HPV infection compared to older women. Cervical cancer remains a major public health problem in low- and middle-income countries .

The labor force participation of women in Latin America and the Caribbean is low, and the regions gender gap is one of the widest in the world. Although important progress has been made over the last 50 years (with womens participation rate going from around 20% in the 1960s to more than 60% toward the beginning of the 2010s), the pace of growth slowed down in the early 2000s. Once they enter the labor market, women tend to be employed in lower-paying and lower-quality jobs compared to men. On top of this unfavorable situation for women, they are in disadvantage in terms of the 21st century skills and they face “glass ceilings” which limit womens access to hierarchical positions, hindering their professional progression.

To predict the mortality rates to 2030, we used the Nordpred package in R software based on an age-period-cohort model (5-year calendar periods and 5 age groups). For Venezuela, the year 2014 was taken as a reference due to the lack of available information.

Increasing pay transparency, providing Latinas access to information, negotiation tactics and connecting them with allies in the workplace can help Latinas in the fight for equal pay. Venezuela, Argentina and Uruguay have the highest participation of women in research with 48%, 44% and 40% respectively. Their input provides an important perspective in addressing the unique and pressing challenges of female farmers. When it comes to advisory services, women tend to follow the advice of other women, and hence the importance of female extension agents.

  • The trends were very similar to the mortality estimates using only cervical cancer deaths code C53.
  • On the other hand, the decreasing mortality rates observed in most LAC countries can be related to the development and implementation of public health programs, and community interventions against cervical cancer during the last years .
  • While some Hispanics say Latinx should be used as a pan-ethnic term, few say they prefer it over others.
  • We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face.
  • Language dominance is a composite measure based on self-described assessments of speaking and reading abilities.

In 2020, GLOBOCAN estimated 604,000 new cases and 342,000 deaths from cervical cancer worldwide, with 80% occurring in LMICs , mainly sub-Saharan Africa, South-Eastern Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean . Although substantial declines in incidence rates have been observed worldwide, particularly in European countries , cervical cancer continues to affect disproportionately women in LAC compared with most other regions . Attention to North-South hemispheric relations has been one key theoretical issue of Latin American feminism reflected in the ample scholarship on the migration of ideas. Latin American feminisms, much like Latin American philosophy, have shown concern over the authenticity of ideas that have traveled from epistemic centers (e.g., the United States, Europe).

In addition, some academic centers at community colleges, public universities and Ivy League universities are replacing Latino program names that were established in previous decades with new Latinx-focused names. Only 27% of Latinas say a senior co-worker advocated for a raise for them, and Latinas are significantly less likely than white women to say their manager shows interest in their career development, Lean In and McKinsey & Co. report.

Latina woman

These professionals expressed their desire for more agricultural projects that use a gender-transformative approach that challenges the underlying harmful gender norms that keep women and men in the cycle of poverty. Yet, unlike a man, a typical woman farmer has a smaller area of land to cultivate and fewerlivestock. They are also much less likely to use the latest technologies, such as improved seed varieties and fertilizers.

XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean

This study analyzed deaths from uterus cancers regardless of their location , because of the difficulty to determine exact trends in cervical and uterine corpus cancer mortality . For example, in 1997, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, El Salvador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay had more than 25% of unspecified uterine cancer deaths, and in 2017, Argentina, Ecuador, and Uruguay reported similar proportions. Latin American countries are not the only ones with this problem, some European countries also attributed large proportions of deaths –up to two thirds – from uterine cancer to uterus, unspecified in 1960.

In any case, the large majority of uterine cancer deaths below age 45 are likely due to cervical cancer. We evaluated the mortality trends of cervical cancer among young women from 16 LAC countries and predicted mortality rates until 2030. In the last 4 years of study (2014–2017), Paraguay and Venezuela had the highest mortality rates, whereas Puerto Rico had the lowest mortality. By 2030, we projected that mortality for cervical cancer will increase in some countries that were examined. Founded in 1973, Mujeres Latinas en Acción empowers Latinas through a variety of initiatives that promote non-violence, reproductive health, and leadership development.


A 2005studylooking at almost 2,000 Latinas ranging in age from 11 to 20 years old concluded that eating disorders are prevalent in all subgroups, illustrating that these illnesses cut across race, ethnicity, class and age. Honduran women, for example, only make 44 cents, Guatemalan women make 47 cents, and Salvadoran women make 49 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men, the NWLC reports.

On the positive side, protests led by women in Latin America have sparked hope that real changes to protect women will materialize. The #NiUnaMenos movement that began in Argentina has quickly spread throughout the region and is slowly reaching to nearly every corner of the globe. Translating to ‘Not One Less,’ the movement is championing important steps like treating femicide as a violation of human rights, promoting more effective training for members of law enforcement who deal with gender-based violence, and creating an official registry of femicide cases. For example, following his 2019 election, Argentinian President Alberto Fernández created the Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity. While creating new ministries and offices won’t by itself turn back the tide of femicide cases, it is helpful in boosting awareness.

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